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The rain formation principles and practices in natural process

Jitendra Sunte, Sangamesh Sirsgi


The creation of salt and water by the interaction of an acid and a base. Earth and water are attracted to one another at an angle of 180 degrees, making them amicable, whereas air and fire are repulsed by it at a 90-degree angle. The broad problem of defining macrophysical systems in the atmosphere is looked at in relation to the pertinent microphysical phenomenon of drop-gas interactions. The ionic microlevel mechanism results in the formation of water.The midday cloud is warm or hot.

Cite as

Jitendra Sunte, & Sangamesh Sirsgi. (2023). The Rain Formation Principles and Practices in Natural Process. Research and Reviews on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 6(1), 7–13.

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