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Enhancing Wayfinding Strategies for Users in Unfamiliar Educational Buildings through Inclusive Design

Mohammed Nasooh Hassan, Luvditya Khurana, Kuldeep Kumar, Dr. Devendra Pratap Singh


Navigating unfamiliar educational buildings poses challenges for users, emphasizing the significance of inclusive design principles in enhancing wayfinding strategies. This study delves into the intricate process of wayfinding, a cognitive phenomenon crucial for spatial navigation, extending beyond physical cues to encompass a broader perceptual experience. Focusing on the challenges faced in unfamiliar educational buildings, it recognizes the integral role of successful navigation in shaping a positive user experience. The research focuses on the cognitive disparities between first-time exploration and daily navigation within unfamiliar spaces, revealing the heightened cognitive demands associated with the former. Recognizing the potential indicators from relevant literature, the study advocates for mitigation strategies to ensure that users can navigate effectively, minimizing additional stress associated with wayfinding challenges. This research extends the application of wayfinding principles to the interior spaces of an educational building as a case example. In conclusion, this paper contributes to valuable insights for architects, designers, and policymakers, aiming to enhance navigational experiences and foster stress-minimized environments in educational settings.

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