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Sustainability Retrofit: Exploring SUSHI in Bastuhara, Khulna

Tasmia Jaman, Mita Biswas, Pranoy Kumar Roy


The largest and fastest growing building markets are today found in the developing countries. As many developing countries, Bangladesh are facing many problems for sustainable housing. Environment pollution, lack of social space, unawareness, low income generation can be considered the most serious one. These problems are mostly visible in the housing pattern of low-income group. As a result, Poor people of Bangladesh are facing a challenge to obtain decent, sustainable and affordable housing but there is a way to achieve this is to introduce SUSHI which works on the local context, available materials, techniques and technologies with awareness rising activities [1]. In the Bastuhara housing of Bangladesh, the main issues are poor waste management, water pollution, poor drainage system, lack of awareness and low income rate. In this paper we discussed how SUSHI can improve the living condition of the people of Bastuhara housing with the implementation of biogas plant and decentralized waste water treatment (DWWT).

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