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Knowledge and Attitude of Teenagers Towards Substance Abuse

Cecilia Olusolape Adeyemo, Abaraogu Blessing John


Teenagers are one of the most vulnerable groups to substance abuse, as the use and abuse of substances stands as one of the major social and public health issues facing most communities around the world. This research work examined the knowledge and attitude of teenagers towards drug abuse in selected secondary schools in Akure Local Government Area of Ondo state. The findings of the research revealed that there is high level of knowledge about substance abuse among the respondents and there is a positive attitude toward the effect and harm associated with substance abuse. Also, the teenagers were able to identify several factors that influences substance abuse. There is a need for implementing drug abuse information and education in schools’ curriculum and drug abuse should be included in the academic schedule. To keep secondary school students' knowledge of drug abuse at its highest level, intervention programmes like health education and awareness campaigns should be implemented, and it is crucial to build school-based health centres with enough space for counsellors to provide support for students who are drug abuse victims.

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