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Advancements in Drug Therapies for Alzheimer’s Disease

Muralinath E., Pooja Devi, Prasanta Chbukdhara, Sanjib Borah, Kalyan C., Archana Jain, Guruprasad M.


Alzheimers  disease is a neuro degenerative disorder. Medications namely done penile, galantamine and rivastigmine increase the levels of acetyl choline, a neurotransmitter  that plays a critical role particularly  in memory and learning.  By stopping the enzymes that break down acetyl choline, these  drugs  increase communication  between nerve cells in the brain.  NMDA  receptor antagonist  that is meantime, is also used  in the treatment  of Alzheimers disease.  Memantine is involved in the modulation of the activity of glutamate.  By blocking  excessive  glutamate  activation, meantine  protects nerve cells fro. Damage and give symptomatic  relief for individuals  with moderate to severe Alzheimers.  Aducanumab targets beta_ amyloid plaques _ a hall mark of Alzheimers pathology.  Mono clonal  antibody is administered through infusion and this decreases accumulation  of beta  amyloid.  Tau protein abnormalities  are associated with the progression  of Alzheimers disorder.  LMTM ( LMTX) and TRX  0237 ( LMTX TM )  are examples of  tau aggregation inhibitors.  Finally it is concluded that from cholinesrerase inhibitors and NMDA receptor  antagonists  to innervate disease_ modifying agents, researchers are navigating uncharted territories to unlock effective treatments.

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