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Design and Fabrication of Garbage Handling System

Sakib Mujawar, Monika Ghadge, Sakshi Tonemare, Parth Mulye, Swapnil Thikane


Solid waste includes empty bottles, polythene bags, papers etc. Garbage waste can lead to blockage of the drainage system. In order to avoid such situation these impurities are needed to be taken out time to time for cleanliness of the environment. Garbage can be cleaned continuously by the help of model using the drive system to remove the solid waste and threw it into waste bucket. This project is designed with the objective to design & fabricate efficient garbage handling system. This project will collect the garbage from various locations using conveyor which are driven by chain sprocket grasp the solid waste and threw it into the waste bucket to avoid blockage. This machine results into saving in labour cost and also reduces harmful effects on human beings.

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Sakib Mujawar, Monika Ghadge, Sakshi Tonemare, Parth Mulye, & Swapnil Thikane. (2022). Design and Fabrication of Garbage Handling System. Research and Reviews: Journal of Mechanics and Machines, 4(1), 1–7.

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