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The Fire Solution to aero plane crashes , failure reasons for human life

Jitendra Sunte


The fire finger thumb naadi reveals nerve , from this nerve we can collect liquid to transform this in to good match box, by using this technology the human body density kept as controlled way. Further the fourth state of matter plasma the long range electric and magnetic field of fire. Also liquid state of fire also present those are all in atmosphere collision leads to fracture fire hazards. So the shielding is necessary to barrier to avoid such collision. In atmosphere air contains combination of all gases some of them in different states uniting leads to collision. This paper is dealt with remedies to such problems and collisions.

Cite as

Jitendra Sunte. (2023). The Fire Solution to Aeroplane Crashes, Failure Reasons for Human Life. Research and Reviews: Journal of Mechanics and Machines, 5(1), 22–24.

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