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Low-Cost Ventilation Solutions: A Literature Survey and Analysis

Rutik Doalre, Ashok V. Desai


This paper presents a comprehensive literature survey and analysis focused on low-cost ventilation solutions. Ventilation is a critical aspect of indoor air quality and occupant health, particularly in resource-constrained environments where access to expensive ventilation systems is limited. The study examines various strategies, technologies, and design approaches aimed at providing effective ventilation at minimal cost. Key aspects such as affordability, simplicity of implementation, energy efficiency, and performance are evaluated across a range of case studies and research findings. Through this survey, we identify promising low-cost ventilation solutions and highlight their potential to improve indoor air quality and enhance occupant comfort in diverse settings. This paper aims to inform policymakers, designers, and practitioners about accessible and sustainable ventilation options, thereby contributing to healthier and more livable built environments.

Cite as:

Rutik Doalre, & Ashok V. Desai. (2024). Low-Cost Ventilation Solutions: A Literature Survey and Analysis. Research and Reviews: Journal of Mechanics and Machines, 6(1), 23–27.

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