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Unlocking the Potential of Nutraceuticals: A Critical Review of Their Impact on Human Health

Patil Divyashree Kantilal, Patil Bhagyshri S., Amitkumar R. Dhankani, Mansi A Dhankani, S. P. Pawar


This review provides a comprehensive overview of nutraceuticals, their classification, and their potential health benefits. Coined by Dr. Stephen De Felice in 1989, nutraceuticals encompass food or food components that offer health advantages beyond basic nutrition. They play a crucial role in addressing various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Nutraceuticals span various industries, including food, herbal supplements, and pharmaceuticals, providing preventive and therapeutic benefits across a wide range of conditions. The classification of nutraceuticals includes established and potential categories, with examples provided for conditions they target, such as allergy relief, arthritis support, and cardiac diseases. Specific examples and benefits of various nutraceuticals, such as inorganic mineral supplements, vitamins, digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, antioxidants, dietary fibers, cereals and grains, health drinks, polyphenols, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), are outlined. Each category offers unique health benefits, highlighting the potential of nutraceuticals in enhancing health and preventing diseases through dietary interventions.

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