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QR Voting System using Android Application

Sheela A. A


This System is to propose a real-time system employing a fast Response code in an android smart phone. The concept of e-voting application is formed using an android phone application, voter details must have to be compelled to verify by the admin side .Once the authentication is done, the user can login and on the date of the election, the eligible voters can get the authorized quick response Code verified from admin side the authentication is completed through the scanning of quick response code via the mobile scanner application, to scan the quick response code using the appliance. The voter details are ready to hide within the quick response code, using multiplexing and DE-multiplexing process. Decode and Encode the data from single response with special symbols and divide the information back to quick response code pattern. Within the proposed method the concept of e-voting application is formed using android. On scanning the quick response code the voter are asked for the password. When the authentication is completed the voter is made to proceed with the voting process, after completing the voting process voter can get Short Message Service confirmation then that specific account is deactivated, that the user cannot vote again. The commission is only responsible to activate the account again.

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