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K. Thamizhmaran


Since the nodes are mobile, the topology changes often, which results in link failure. The main cause of dishonest and non-cooperative nodes is resource constraints and a lack of infrastructure support. As the nodes square measure mobile thus topology changes oft that ends up in link failure and lack of infrastructure support and resource constraint is that the key issue that causes dishonest and non co-operative nodes. There square measure finding a route to destination, new route discovery is initiated. The frequent discoveries result in a lot of network congestion. In order to prevent this, multipath routing protocols are designed to find several routes to the destination and switch to a backup secondary path in case the primary route is broken. This provides improved routing security and performance. In this developed research paper attempt to compare the performance of two reactive routing protocols for MANETs that is Secure Dynamic Source Routing (SDSR) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), on-demand gateway discovery protocol where a mobile device of MANET gets connected to gateway. Through the use of trust-based routing and the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), SDSR analyzes performance outcomes by adjusting simulation time. Additionally, a number of crucial performance metrics, including packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and average energy, are used to compare all of the aforementioned protocols.

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