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A Novel Approach Towards Time Sensitive Data

Dr Piyush Kumar Pareek, Chaitra Y R, Saumya L


Privacy and confidentiality of data stored in public cloud have been a major issue since cloud storage first came up. Various technologies have been used to protect the data in the cloud. It is an issue in relation to cloud storage. It frees information owners because he has no responsibility of providing information to any expected clients. Hence the need for consistent surveillance and constant security practices. To preserve the integrity of the data, researchers have proposed multiple methods to ensure data security. In any case, until this time, no plans to intensify both fine-grain ability to control and possible control. In this project, client and author ("the evil dictator") are not able to access the data without the client's use of a given secret key. Another enhanced feature is being highlighted here where a technical back up account can grant access to data users. The CPABE policy has been adapted for the storage of private electronic data.

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