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Smart Developed Mirror

Nidhi Savaji, Dhiraj Vyavhare


Smart Mirror is an idea for today’s world where everyone is busy in work all the time. We spend much time in front of the mirror while going out and getting ready every morning. Smart Mirror acts as normal mirror with added features like date and time, weather, news and many more. A smart mirror is a developed mirror. A brilliant mirror is a mix of customary mirror with computerized angles to raise to-date data in the utilization straightforwardly on the mirror surface. We plan to make a smart mirror which gets online information as we get on our phone from Internet like news and weather details by utilizing Internet Of Things(IoT) hardware that is raspberry pi by which we can also identify if any cheat action happen when no one is home. In this paper we are planning a savvy reflect dependent on Raspberry Pi for the home utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) ideas. Raspberry Pi is utilized as a host regulator. Raspberry Pi is associated through Wi-Fi, and data about the climate figure and news will be gotten from the API network interface. Time, date, climate, schedule, and other data are shown on the showcase gadget. The client can likewise interface with the mirror.

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