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Rural Healthcare Empowerment: AI Enabled Telemedicine KIOSK

Prof.Minal Khandare, Sahana J, Shivani S, Sneha S Kumar, Rakshitha R


Access to healthcare services in rural areas has long been a challenge, with limited resources and healthcare facilities often leaving residents underserved. The advent of telemedicine has brought about a promising solution, bridging the gap be- tween rural communities and healthcare providers. This Project presents a novel approach to enhancing telemedicine services in rural areas through the deployment of AI-powered Telemedicine Kiosks. These kiosks are designed to provide convenient and com- prehensive healthcare access to remote communities, empowering patients to receive timely medical consultations, diagnostics, and health information. Furthermore, these kiosks have the capability to dispense medicines based on patients’ symptoms, further enhancing convenience and accessibility to essential medications. This Project discusses the technological components and infras- tructure required for the successful deployment of these kiosks in rural areas, addressing connectivity and power challenges. We also explore the implications of such a system on healthcare accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and patient satisfaction. Addi- tionally, this Project highlights the potential to improve health outcomes by encouraging early intervention and reducing the barriers rural communities face when seeking medical attention. By empowering rural residents with AI-Enhanced Telemedicine Kiosks, we aim to alleviate disparities in healthcare access, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance the overall well-being of underserved populations. This innovative approach signifies a pivotal step towards democratizing healthcare and ensuring that everyone, regardless of their geographical location, can receive the healthcare services they deserve.


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