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Evolution of Client-Side Rendering over Server-Side Rendering

P Kishore, Mahendra B M


Modern day web applications have become vital part of our daily ecosystem with ever demanding client needs. In today’s time web applications do a lot more work than just displaying static data. Thus, it becomes important that the web applications are robust, highly available and responsive. Since most legacy applications are based on server-side rendering which causes full page to reload, memory leaks and thus hindering the performance of the application. Thus, with the help of client-side rendering, major shortcomings like responsiveness, memory leaks, slow reloads can be overcome. In this paper, we discuss the history of server-side rendering and usage of server-side rendering in the past decade. The paper features a portion of the key highlights of client-side techniques, programming paradigms and frameworks.  It features fully modularized view layer with efficient state management techniques with the help of flux architecture, observer-observable techniques, reactive and functional programming for better flow and code maintainability. It concludes with exercises gained from surveys and a standpoint of work which is going on in recent times.

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