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Just-in-Time Educational Aid to Deliver Instant Help for Students in Developing Countries

Md Abu Sayed, Moinul Islam Zaber


We recommend an ICT-based education that addresses the student's needs instantly. Student may need additional assistance when they self-study. In developing countries, most families do not have educated parents, lack economic power to afford external educational assistance with the exception of availing free schools. An affordable ICT solution via mobile to provide educational support just in time will work wonders in order to sustain the student's motivation. The proposed ICT tool, JINTE guidance system for students, will help maintain the motivation of students to self-study. This, along with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and the traditional educational system, can be a supplementary educational portal. In terms of the system's efficacy, our studies show promising outcomes. At the same time, by tracking the trends of the questions posed by the students, educators can discover the issues related to topics they teach. The platform can be used as a national educational data collection tool and thorough analysis and processing would make these data can be very useful for policy makers to launch a sustainable long-term plan. The knowledge obtained can help to involve students in the process of learning from distant locations. These ideas of offering educational guidelines can be taken into account by countries who wish to use ICT as an important educational tool.

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