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Smart Door Locking System with Intrusion Detection

Harshal Mahendra Shirke, Tirth Shailesh Thoria, Vivek Prafullbhai Vadhiya, Dhwaniket Kamble


In this digital age, IoT based systems have become a common thing in the society. Most of the electronics nowadays have some or the other form of IoT technology embedded in it. Leveraging various wireless technologies provided by IoT can aid at creating efficient and effective machines. One of the sensors, which is an IR receiver diode with the help of a remote can help in creating various wireless electronic smart devices. ESP8266, the Wi-Fi module provided by IoT as well, enables one to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Utilizing these two sensors in this project, we can create a secure IoT based Smart Door Locking system which can detect intruders as well, with the help of PIR sensor. This module provides an extra layer of security, overcoming the various challenges of traditional door locking systems.

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