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Smart & Secure 2FA Security System

Tirth Thoria, Vivek Vadhiya, Krupal Vora, Santosh Rathod, Manish Bhelande


IoT based smart systems are found in abundance in today’s society. Most electronics and household smart appliances are nowadays utilising some or the other form of IoT components. Internet of Everything is a recent concept that means a connection of people, processes, data and things. ESP32 is a system on a chip microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth and enables one to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Using this microcontroller, as well as some traditional security components provided by IoT, a smart and secure security system can be created that can have a wide range of use cases. This system also integrates an RFID reader to make a two-factor authentication security system. RFID based authentication allows the system to have a unique user recognition system to provide an extra layer of security.

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