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Computer Architecture: Memory Organization and System Design

Deepak Prajapat, Saurabh Mittal


In figuring, A variety of distinct storage components are used to create the memory system of general-purpose computers. This article's goal is to outline how these components are organized and the technologies that are utilized to put them into practice. There are numerous speeds at which semiconductor RAMs can be accessed. Their execution times range from 100 ns to less than 10 ns. Any device group that makes use of PC handling technology uses semiconductor memory. Semiconductor memory is now more widely used, and These memory cards have grown in size as larger and larger amounts of capacity have become necessary. Compared to capacity, which is slower but more inexpensive and has a higher limit, PC memory operates at a high speed. In addition to closing active programs, computer memory serves as a plate storage and composition support for reading and writing operations. As long as running applications do not require it, working frameworks receive the Slam limit in terms of reservation. If essential, items in the computer storage can be moved to backup; Utilizing virtual memory, a type of memory system is a popular way to accomplish this.

Unexpected and non-unstable semiconductor memory are the two basic types. Streak memory, A few examples of non-unstable storage are ROM, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM. Static irregular access memory (SRAM), which is used for central processor storage, and dynamic arbitrary access memory (Measure), are examples of unstable memory that are used for essential capacity

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