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Microimaging Assisted With Nano-contrast Agents for Ultra High 21 Tesla – 36 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Spectrocopic Imaging of Biological Tissues: Advanced NMR Approach of Translational Medicine

Rakesh Sharma


The first 21 Tesla magnet was upgraded to 36 Tesla now available at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee Florida. It was used initially for 21-Tesla preclinical ex vivo and in vivo MR microimaging experiments possibly to achieve spatial resolution at 12 micron level scale at 21 Tesla or 900 MHz with new hopes of less than 10 microns at 36 Tesla or 1500 MHz or 1.5 GHz  proton frequency. Super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle enhanced susceptibility method was developed to visualize soft tissues in human skin and in mice kidneys and heart. Later it was used for 1.0 GHz MR spectroscopy scanning by highly resolved flat base NMR peaks to evaluate molecules in stroke, ischemia burden in rodants and possibly neurodegenerative diseases. The magnetic field 36 Tesla field is twelve times and 21.1 Tesla field is seven times higher than routine 3T clinical scanner. So, it is benefit of increased signal to noise(SNR) and high sensitivity to neural network and brain cognitive functions with possibility of physiological imaging of heart, muscle, kidney within short scan time (6 min at 36 Tesla, 10 min at 21.1 Tesla while 30 min at 3 Tesla) within minutes. Several in-built spectroscopy protocols are useful to 3- Tesla and 7-Tesla MRI to 17.4 tesla clinical scanners with possibility on 21.1 Tesla and first time 36 Tesla experimental NMR imaging spectrometers. In the quest of higher super ultrahigh SNR resolution, hybrid superconductive-resistive coils will be useful for short scan time MR imaging and spectroscopy in super-ultrahigh magnetic fields as new advance in translational research.

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