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Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities: Role of ICT

Mohammad Mahmudul Hasan, Fariya Sultana Prity


ICT or Information and Communication Technology holds the potential to bring about transformative change for individuals facing disabilities. This study aims to explore the ways in which ICT can impact the lives of people with disabilities. By examining papers, development reports, and online resources, the research seeks to discover the role of ICT in ensuring the complete inclusion of people with disabilities in society. The investigation reveals that ICT plays a vital role in achieving social inclusion for individuals with disabilities. It serves as a foundation for various aspects, including opening pathways to education, fostering participation, promoting independence, facilitating connections, and expanding entertainment options. Through the aid of technologies, accessible software solutions, and digital communication tools, ICT possesses the ability to dismantle barriers that have hindered full participation in various aspects of life for people with disabilities. This research contributes to the ongoing conversation about how technology and disability intersect. Also, emphasizes the significance of ICT use not only to bridge gaps that exist in the society but also to empower the individuals with disabilities into the mainstream society, enabling them to actively participate in civic and social events and lead meaningful lives.

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