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A Review Paper on Multioperational Robo Used In Agriculture

Akshay Anjikar, Pranay Kanoje, Nikhil Tidke


The purpose of this paper is to design a robot that will perform various field operations in farming like automatic seeding, irrigation, fertilization in the farming field. In order to avoid failure, the robot will be capable of performing both manual and automatic operation. The whole process that is been performed by the robot is conducted by the ARDUNO. In the Morden times we all know that robots are more capable of doing work that is repetitive than the humans as robots don’t get tired. The very first step of farming is seeding. This process is carried in the forms of rows where the seeds are sowed in the plot. There is sensor used that detects the environmental conditions as it is most important while farming. Sensors detect the water amount that is required to the plant and sends signal to farmer and do the necessary task. Another important process is fertilization it is same as the seeding process. Some plants need the fertilizers as the seed starts germinating. The prime source of energy to robot is solar. The recent improvements have made the seed drilling easier and more efficient without seed tilling. This means that when the plants or crops are been germinated the soil damage or soil erosion is protected. In this project we have managed to assemble various operations on a single mount or at a one place like weeding, seed sowing, fertilizer spreader, and pesticide spreader.

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