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Development of Selective Alkaloid as an Anticancer Medicine from Natural Sources

P. K. Srivastava, Pallavi Sarkhel, Shadab Jawed


The Madagascar periwinkle plant has shown various promising anticancer properties. Various compounds such as alkaloids known to exhibit anti-cancer activity viz. Vinblastine, Vincristine, Vindesine and Vinorelbine, which has been extracted from the periwinkle plants. These drugs are studied for their inhibiting property that slows down microtubule formation in cancer cells therefore highly effective in slowing down the growth of tumors. Vinblastine is used experimentally for treatment of neoplasmas and is recommended for Hodgkins disease. Vincristine another form of alkaloids is used for treating leukemia in children. Therefore, the Madagascar periwinkle is also called a miracle plant in the prevention of childhood leukemia and cancer treatment. In this paper, a systematic study for detecting the alkaloids, isolating the alkaloids in higher yields and characterizing them by various physio-chemical methods have been presented. Emphasis have been  given in estimating the concentration of alkaloids viz. Vinblastine and Vincristine in higher yields which are known for its medicinal value in the treatment of cancer.

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