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Preservative Efficacy of Selected Essential Oils on Strawberry

Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra, Archana U. Mankad


Preservative efficacy of selected natural essential oils was studied on strawberry. Essential oils employed as phytochemicals researches and practices. Essential oils using in many fields like pharmaceuticals, pharmacognosy fields and medicinal fields. Cinnamon oil, clove oil and eucalyptus oil are used in many fields as medicinal properties. Essential oils has also preservative efficacy. Some essential oils are used as preserve some historical things, plants parts, animal parts and organs parts. Preservative effects mainly depend on essential oils chemical constituents. This research provides on preservative efficacy of selected essential oils on strawberry.

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Deep R. Darji, Palak Sapra, & Archana U. Mankad. (2021). Preservative Efficacy of Selected Essential Oils on Strawberry. Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and Its Applications, 3(1), 1–6.

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