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The pure classmates of school & college in education & career

Jitendra Sunte


The education institutes like schools, colleges etc also in career path like MNC’s , companies, factories, industries etc in all these the perfect friendly nature joining bond exist. In these the friend is one who can’t quarrel or not jealous, no competition etc as usual. The reason behind together of these bond is there will be soul mates, if one student enter in a school then automatically with little effort the next few students can took admission immediately. because there is attraction among these students. Not only in education sector almost every sector , streams, it works the principle behind this. Any how the institution level there will be chances to bring admission they did some attraction worships, some magic’s, some more other means to get the admission. But natural way of these pure soul mates can bring balanced friendly nature classmates. The attachment of soul mate which is nothing but some types of species gaseous form which is boneless, muscle less . so these species gather in all almost all places throughout whole life. There will be attachment and detachment in soul mates. Attachment of soul mates bring you to gather in every where in whole entire life.

Cite as:

Jitendra Sunte. (2023). The Pure Classmates of School & College in Education & Career. Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology and Its Applications, 5(3), 19–21.

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