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Characterisation of Hyporheic Zone Based on Porosity Hydraulic Conductivity and Depth Using VFLUX

M. Tripathi, P. K. Yadav, B. R. Chahar


Contamination through the hyporheic exchange can be estimated if the flux through the zone and the properties of the zone are known. The hyporheic zone is a dynamic ecotone, and its characterisation is subjected to various challenges. In this study, the hyporheic zone has been characterised mathematically based on 1) porosity, 2) thermal conductivity 3) zone depth, using the VFLUX model. VFLUX is MATLAB code that calculates vertical flux at different depths. After varying porosity values from 0.1 to 0.7 and thermal conductivity value from 0.002 cal/(°C) to 0.0012 cal/(°C), it was observed that flux ranges between 1E-5 to 5E-5m/s, porosity follows a linear relation with the flux, whereas thermal conductivity follows logarithmic relation. Relation for hydraulic conductivity and thermal conductivity is developed using the field values for different soils. 

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