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The importance of lentic, lotic, limnetic churning of water in civil and mechanical projects

Mr. Jitendra Sunte


The main intention of writing this paper is to give more and more conceptual information about water resource type usually standing water lentic and running water as lotic. These are come across lakes, sea, ocean, ponds, rivers, etc. While churning of these will give work done through the strongest rope as milk churning we got cream butter and finally ghee etc. similar fashion churning of sea will gives gems, pearls golden, etc are valuable one things. Among all these churning river churning is the greatest good results as the river water is drinkable one everyone needs it that’s all.  The main thing is that constructed buildings from river water as domestic and commercial buildings life span of these constructed one are more term year durable long term in up to 100 years and many more. Not only life span of the buildings up to human life span also declared by these sweet water as river water as running water. River churning is one of the important process. Many more valuable things are obtained from churning of these rivers. Amrut not die thing as liquid also obtained from these river churning. Persons obtaining greatest energy from universe can be obtained from river churning

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