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Information about External and Internal Respiration, Respiratory Bronchiolitis, Alveolar Ducts, Alveolar Sacs, Respiratory Membrane, Cough Reflex, Sneeze Reflex and Swallowing Reflex

Dr. Mohan Naidu K., Dr. Sridevi V., Dr. Muralinath E., Dr. Manjari P., Dr. Chapalamadugu C Kalyan, Dr. Sravani Pragna K., Dr. M. Guru Prasad, Nikhil J., Dr. Sony Sharlet


Respiration is of two types such as external respiration and internal respiration. Respiratory tract contains nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. an exchange of gases takes place through respiratory membrane. Lungs play a major role regarding several non-respiratory functions of the body especially regarding defence as well as metabolic activities. The non-respiratory activities of the respiratory tract are anticoagulation function, defence mechanism, particles, production of regulation of acid base balance, body temperature and water balance and synthesis of hormonal substances. The respiratory protective reflexes are cough reflex, sneeze reflex and swallowing reflex.

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