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Comparative analysis of heavy metals and water attribute constraints of Buriganga and Turag river of Dhaka, Bangladesh- reassess

Amena Ferdousi, M. Mostafizur Rahman, Sajjadul Bari


This article presents a comparative analysis and review of water attribute constraints of Buriganga and Turag river over the last four years.

Physico-chemical characteristics provide significant evidence on status and health of aquatic ecosystem. This research is conducted to analyze the physico-chemical and biological water attribute factors of two major rivers Buriganga and Turag in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In this respect, poor water attribute is ascribed to anthropogenic activities in the area.

This document re-assesses theoretical indication on the effect of contaminated river water. A laborious review has done on the current literature of ecological risk and water defilement in respect of environmental, public and commercial borders in the river basin region.

Cite as

Amena Ferdousi, M. Mostafizur Rahman, & Sajjadul Bari. (2020). Comparative analysis of heavy metals and water attribute constraints of Buriganga and Turag river of Dhaka, Bangladesh- reassess. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(3), 1–14.

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