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A Review on Cotton Mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) and their Management by Botanical Based Insecticides

Priyanka Zala, Swati Jayswal, Bharat Maitreya


Mealybug species becomes major pests in a relative short period of time due to their wide range of host plants, having wax coated body, less effective to insecticides, relationship with ants by these increases their survival rate. Most effective chemicals are Buprofin, Profenofos,Chlorpyrifos,Imidacloprid,but it causes environmental threats, so other option is botanical plants which are used as effective insecticides against mealybug.Azadirachta indica,Calotropsis gigantean, Allium sativum, Ocimum sanctum,Citrus limon,Chenopodium ambrosioides,Soyabean oil(3%), Mint oil(0.36%),Rosemary oil(0.1%),Cinnamon oil(0.1%),Thyme oil(1.05%),Cotton seed oil(1.5%),Neem oil. In this review, compilation is carried out regarding mealybug and their management.

Cite as

Priyanka Zala, Swati Jayswal, & Bharat Maitreya. (2021). A Review on Cotton Mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) and their Management by Botanical Based Insecticides. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 1–15.

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