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In Vivo, Antifungal property of aqueous extracts of Nephrolepis cordifolia on the plant Solanum lycopersicum

Priyanka Zala


Plants are an important source of medicine, food, and nutrition’s. Pteridophytes, which is commonly known as ferns contains leaflets, stem and rhizome does not produce fruits and seed but reproduce by spores, the spores are consists of sours. Its vascular plants grow in damp, shady areas. The present study is aimed at investigating the antifungal properties of three selected solutions. The aerial parts of the selected ferns N. cordifolia, were used in different solutions of 50%, 70% and 90% these were more effective than the controls tested. Present study suggests that the pteridophytes N. cordifolia could be good source of antimicrobials and antifungals. The above findings advocate further investigations of the extracts from various parts the species of Nephrolepis to identify the active constituents.

Cite as

Priyanka Zala. (2022). In Vivo, Antifungal Property of Aqueous Extracts of Nephrolepis Cordifolia on the Plant Solanum Lycopersicum. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 1–5.

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