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Morphological Study Of Bombax Ceiba Collected From Botanical Hauz Rani Forest, New Delhi, India

Babita Kumari, Hitesh Solanki


The scientific name of Red silk cotton tree is Bombax ceiba. Bombax ceiba, like other trees of the rubric Bombax, is commonly known as cotton tree. The tree is widely planted in southeastern Asian countries and regions (such as in  India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, southern China and Taiwan, etc. This tree is also common in New Delhi reached 60m in height. They survive only in semiarid zone. The cotton filaments of this tree can be seen floating in the wind around the time of early May. In this study, we highlighted a short insight story on morphology and beneficial medicinal aspects of Bombax ceiba collected from forest of Hauz Rani, New Delhi, India.

Cite as

Babita Kumari, & Hitesh Solanki. (2022). Morphological Study Of Bombax Ceiba Collected From Botanical Hauz Rani Forest, New Delhi, India. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 1–5.

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