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Frog: An Amphibian, its Morphological Characters and its Domestic Aspects in Human Life in Worldwide Concern

Babita Kumari, Hitesh Solanki


A frog belongs to amphibian family and the order is Anura. They are generally distributed from the tropical region to tropical rainforest region. The morphological features of frogs seems to be different according to allied species. The warty spotted frog species are called toads. The differences between frog and toad based on evolutionary history. The pigmentation of frog and toad depend on impact of environmental. The objective of this study was to review the status of morphology and its uses and diversity of Frog.


Cite as

Babita Kumari, & Hitesh Solanki. (2023). Frog: An Amphibian, its Morphological Characters and its Domestic Aspects in Human Life in Worldwide Concern. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(1), 1–11.

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