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Environmental problems and sustainable development in Nigeria.

Foyeke Omoboye Ibimilua, Oluwatoyin Matthew Ayiti


This study examines the environmental challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Nigeria. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, policies, and case studies, the research identifies key environmental issues, including deforestation, pollution, climate change, and loss of biodiversity, and evaluates the effectiveness of current government policies and initiatives in addressing these challenges. The study highlights socio-economic factors exacerbating environmental problems, such as poverty, inequality, and limited access to clean water and sanitation, and explores potential opportunities and solutions for promoting environmental sustainability and resilience. Recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and the public are provided to foster sustainable development practices and protect the environment for future generations. 

Cite as:

Foyeke Omoboye Ibimilua, & Oluwatoyin Matthew Ayiti. (2024). Environmental Problems and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Research and Reviews: Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(2), 41–50.

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